Oil and Gas sector

Oil and Gas sector

Greening Solutions for Oil & Gas Industry

Indian Oil & Gas industry’s electricity demand stands at ~6 GW with moderate projected growth in industry size


As Quoted By

Growth in Oil Demand

India’s oil consumption is forecast to rise from 4.8 million barrels per day (mbd) in 2019 to 7.2 mbd in 2030 and 9.2 mbd in 2050, as per the IEA’s key scenario based on stated policies.

-Economic Times

Growth in India’s Energy Needs

India is set to experience the largest increase in energy demand of any country worldwide over the next 20 years as its economy continues to develop and bring greater prosperity to its citizens


Strong Industrial Development

Consumption of natural gas in India to increase by 25 bm3 till 2024. The prospects for continued growth in gas demand remain strong, aided equally by expanding infrastructure and a highly supportive policy environment.

-The Hindu

Green Advanced Solution offers high greening with RTC power; Combining it with Green Max can provide 100% greening

Solar Panel 1 Green Touch
Windmill 2 Green Advanced
Solar 3 Green Pro
Bio Energy 4 Green Max
  • Greening potential
    100% (In combination with option 2/3 or standalone)
  • Power Reliability & Technological maturity
    Intermittent power; Mature tech.
    Intermittent power; Mature tech.
    Intermittent power; Mature tech.
    vPPA emerging in Indian market; iRECs more mature
  • Cost saving & tariff reliability
    High savings, use of own land
    Limited saving; tariff locked
    High saving; tariff locked
    Limited saving; variable tariff in vPPA
  • Regulatory support
    Most states have mature policies
    Most states have mature policies
    Hybrid policies upcoming in states with RE potential
    iRECs more mature; vPPA evolving
  • Favourable Context
    Can be bundled with Virtual Greening to provide 100% greening
    Can be bundled with Virtual Greening to provide 100% greening
    Befits players looking for stable power with commercial benefits and high degree of greening Can be bundled with Virtual Greening to provide 100% greening
    Only suitable for firms with high focus on 100% greening

Each solution offers high savings while meeting greening requirements through a combination of physical and virtual power

1) My Green

  • * Onsite solar solutions
  • * ReNew offers solution basis specific client needs
  • *Maximize savings by utilizing unused plant space, including rooftops

2) Green Touch

  • * Onsite / open-access solar / wind solutions
  • * ReNew offers solution basis specific client needs: Maximize savings, ROE etc.
  • *Lock-in savings for entire PPA term

3) Green Advanced

  • * Open Access solution blending wind & solar to achieve higher greening
  • * ReNew’s proprietary solution engine achieves higher RE units per MW of PPA, maximizing savings

4) Green Max

  • * Virtual contracts to offset brown power
  • * ReNew’s class="pb-2"proprietary solution engine allows procurement of 100% unbundled green attributes
  • * No physical setup changes needed; immediate execution