FMCG Proposition

FMGC Sector

Greening Solutions for FMCG Industry

Indian FMCG industry’s electricity demand is expected to increase to 3x by 2025, in-line with the growth in overall market size

FMCG chart

As Quoted By

Shift to Organized Market

India’s online commerce market is expected to grow 25-30% annually over the next five years to reach $120 billion-$140 billion by FY26, beating modern trade in India

Rural Consumption

Demand in rural markets has outstripped sales growth in urban markets over the last several quarters. India’s smaller cities and villages to continue driving growth.


Favorable Government Policy

Government providing PLI incentives for foods. Incentive will be given to eligible players in segments – Ready to Eat (RTE) & Ready to Cook (RTC)

Green Advanced Solution offers FMCG players high greening with RTC power; Combining it with Green Max can provide 100% greening

Bio Energy 1 Green My
Solar Panel 2 Green Touch
Windmill 3 Green Advanced
Solar 3 Green Max
  • Greening potential
    100% (In combination with option 2/3 or standalone)
  • Power Reliability & Technological maturity
    Intermittent power; Mature tech.
    Intermittent power; Mature tech.
    Intermittent power; Mature tech.
    vPPA emerging in Indian market; iRECs more mature
  • Cost saving & tariff reliability
    High savings, use of own land
    Limited saving; tariff locked
    High saving; tariff locked
    Limited saving; variable tariff in vPPA
  • Regulatory support
    Most states have mature policies
    Most states have mature policies
    Hybrid policies upcoming in states with RE potential
    iRECs more mature; vPPA evolving
  • Favourable Context
    Can be bundled with Virtual Greening to provide 100% greening
    Can be bundled with Virtual Greening to provide 100% greening
    Befits players looking for stable power with commercial benefits and high degree of greening Can be bundled with Virtual Greening to provide 100% greening
    Only suitable for firms with high focus on

ReNew has been at the forefront of greening FMCG majors; For a consumer goods company, ReNew achieved 100% greening with commercial benefit

1 Client situation

The client is embarking on a phased, multi-year installation

  • 1 The client has manufacturing facilities all across the country
  • 2 Power is a significant component of manufacturing cost, high savings against grid can prove critical
  • 3 Client has invested in small onsite solar, but is yet to make any largescale RE adoption
  • 4 Client’s power requirement is largely during day-time , with planned shut-downs a few days every month

2 Contribution of each source for 100% greening

Each solution designed achieved 100% greening; through physical power and/or green credits purchase

Contribution Chart

3 Our preferred solution achieves 100% green power

Our preferred solution attains 25% savings as well as provides a strategic advantage to the client

  • 1 Savings on account of lower power costs
  • 2 Greening is important for customers; studies suggest that 75% of customers consider environmental impact when making a purchase decision1