Green Hydrogen

ReNew is committed to harness the most abundant element in the universe with the help of emerging next-age applications to ensure a stable green energy future.

Partner of choice

Availability of Low-cost firm RE power

Framework Agreement with Egypt for Green Hydrogen Exploration

Global Investor Outreach

Committed investment of USD 8 billion

Leader in clean energy/ innovative solutions

Leader in clean energy/ innovative solutions

Strong Strategic Alliance for technical capabilities

Strong strategic alliance for technical capabilities

Raichur, Karnataka, 50 MW

Why Green Hydrogen

Globally, the demand for Green Hydrogen is expected to grow exponentially given its multi-fold benefits.

Reduced reliance on fossil fuel

Replacing Grey Hydrogen with Green Hydrogen will reduce the consumption of fossil fuel and lower oil and natural gas imports.

Carbon neutrality

Green Hydrogen production as well as combustion involves zero carbon emissions.

Low resource utilization

Water and electricity are the only input for production of Green Hydrogen.

Access to low-cost renewable power

Renewable power, including solar and wind, has achieved cost parity with fossil fuel in many countries.

Hydrogen Production

Green Hydrogen

The only hydrogen produced in a carbon-neutral manner, it is created by using surplus renewable energy through the method of electrolysis.

Pink Hydrogen

Pink hydrogen is produced by the method of electrolysis using nuclear power.

Yellow Hydrogen

A relatively cleaner form of hydrogen, it is made through electrolysis using solar power.

Blue Hydrogen

While creating Blue hydrogen, the carbon generated from steam reforming is captured and stored underground.

Brown Hydrogen

Most environmentally damaging, brown hydrogen is made from fossil fuels through the process of gasification.

Grey Hydrogen

Most common form of hydrogen, grey hydrogen is created using steam methane reformation but without capturing the greenhouse gases generated in the process.