Disclaimer (CRISIL)

“CRISIL Research, a division of CRISIL Limited (CRISIL) has taken due care and caution in preparing this report (Report) based on the Information obtained by CRISIL from sources which it considers reliable (Data). However, CRISIL does not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of the Data / Report and is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of Data / Report. This Report is not a recommendation to invest / disinvest in any entity covered in the Report and no part of this Report should be construed as an expert advice or investment advice or any form of investment banking within the meaning of any law or regulation. CRISIL especially states that it has no liability whatsoever to the subscribers / users / transmitters/ distributors of this Report. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, nothing in the Report is to be construed as CRISIL providing or intending to provide any services in jurisdictions where CRISIL does not have the necessary permission and/or registration to carry out its business activities in this regard. ReNew Limited will be responsible for ensuring compliances and consequences of non-compliances for use of the Report or part thereof outside India. CRISIL Research operates independently of, and does not have access to information obtained by CRISIL’s Ratings Division / CRISIL Risk and Infrastructure Solutions Ltd (CRIS), which may, in their regular operations, obtain information of a confidential nature. The views expressed in this Report are that of CRISIL Research and not of CRISIL’s Ratings Division / CRIS. No part of this Report may be published/reproduced in any form without CRISIL’s prior written approval.”